What comes first to your mind when you listen to the word “Technology” Maybe a machine, Industry, something which is automatic, and so on.



We can write as a Technology is about bringing scientific knowledge together practically.
Technology is all about using science in the right way to make things more convenient and easier.
Humans have knowledge of technology since the Stone Age, from making tools for hunting, and discovery of fire to making machines like computers, cell phones, ATMs, banking, smart TVs, bikes, cars and of course you can read this article on your pc is also a technology.


now we come to the term Biotechnology which is a combination of biology + Technology which means some technology is being used with biological agents,
Biotechnology is part of Technology but is used in different ways.
It is the industrial use of living organisms with technological applications. The use of technology with biology was started in the 18th century when scientists used technical ways to make a product from raw materials. That was the starting of the relation between biology and technology till the 20th century and at the starting of 21st-century Biotechnology generated new fields of science including the development of pharmaceutical therapies, diagnostic tests, people also introduced something advanced like genomics, recombinant DNA technology
And after that food production, making of medicines, plant growth, and development cure of any disease all came under the field of biotechnology.  Biotechnology was a new discovery in the field of science and of course, for human beings The use of technology makes research easy, makes the formation of products easy. Nowadays Technology is so developed in the field of biology, Agriculture, in Medical and also in scientific experiments. So, the question is that, is the technology different from biotechnology?“Technology” May be a machine
And the answer is that technology is always used for practical purposes with machines, some pieces of hardware, some pieces of software, some chemicals, and some rays, electricity.
But when it comes to Biotechnology not only machines used in this field also some living organisms are being used. As we can say that in technology only a part of science is used and generally technology is used for the comfort of human beings and their wellness. when Technology is being used in industrial works it makes the process of formation of a material easy, when technology is included in human’s daily life, it saves time.
but the term Biotechnology includes whole science in it. Biotechnology targets every organism on earth including animals, plants small to large organisms, works on their development, and makes tools or machines or techniques for their wellness
biotechnology is for industrial work it has an indirect impact on human life. Biotechnology includes bioinformatics, microbiology, biochemistry, genetic engineering, industrial biotechnology, biophysics, bioelectronics, pharmaceutical biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, genetic engineering, agricultural biotechnology, biomedicine Technology is in every industry including biotechnology too
In computer engineering, robotics, electronics, industrial engineering, and all branch of engineering.
Technology is so developed that it had made machines like robots which looks like a human perform function like humans and in the future, this is going to take a place of approximately all industrial machines we all know about robots or should say human robots While Biotechnology is not backward where engineers were working on making advanced machines like robots, biotechnologists did a thing beyond the life cycle, they made a clone of organisms, On July 5, 1996, the first organism was cloned from a living adult organism that was a sheep who was a total copy of its parental sheep.
Also, on July 2, 1927, an artificial heart was made by scientist Robert Jarvik, where technology is trying to make the lifestyle of people easy and fast Biotechnology is a branch that gives life to people.
Guess if you have no life what will you do with technology?? With this question here is Another difference between Technology and Biotechnology, that extra use of technology can make u sick on the other hand Biotechnology has solutions for these side effects We can’t refuse that overuse of technology is not good for humans and the environment Nowadays case of diseases like cancer is common in individuals Also, soil pollution due to the use of polymers and chemicals affects the harvesting & proper growth of plants for cancer hormone therapy, immunotherapy, and targeted drug therapy-like treatments are preferred for a cancer patient.
In agriculture, there are so many hybridized and batter developed plants, fruits, and vegetables are prepared which are the same in a text and health as naturally grown plants. as technology has side effects on health and the environment, biotechnology has solutions to and wrong effects.
If technology is a boon for human beings, Biotechnology is a boon for organisms. In the upcoming days, both technology and biotechnology will develop themselves to the next level.

Ayushi Tripathi
MSc. Biotech